Monday, April 27, 2015

Teapot Itinerary


Trenton Teapot Festival Parade, Saturday, May 2, 2015

8:00 am                Arrive at SGCHS Band Room.  Load equipment on bus.  Put on uniform pants, long black socks, and shoes.  Wear shorts and T-shirt underneath.  Put uniform jacket, hat, and gauntlets on bus.

8:20 am                Depart South Gibson County High School.

8:50 am                Arrive at Trenton.  We will need to exit the buses quickly so the buses can move to the end of the parade route.  Unload instruments quickly and put jackets, hats, and gauntlets on as you go to warm-up circle.

9:10 am                Warm-up

9:40 am                Line-up in parade form and wait to join the parade route.

Approx. 12:00    End of parade.  Students will put instruments back in cases, put full uniform on the hangers, and then load the instruments on the bus.  I will need to attend the Director’s meeting after the parade.  You may get something to eat down on the parade route.

12:45 pm              Depart Trenton. 

1:15 pm                Arrive at SGCHS Band room.  Take the uniforms back to the storage room, then unload the instruments off the bus.  No one is dismissed until all the instruments are in their correct place and the bus is cleaned out.

* If you are leaving with your parents after the parade is over, I will need a note signed by the parent. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Annoucements 4/26/15

1)  Afterschool rehearsal this Thursday from 3:30 to 5:00 for band and guard for the parades.  

2)  The Teapot parade will be this Saturday in Trenton.  Report time will be 8 am at SGCHS.  Full itinerary will be posted on Monday.

3)  Be sure to come by the Band Room and sign up for the Band Banquet.  We need a head count by the end of this week so the food can be prepared.  Also, we need all pictures for the slide show turned in by Friday.  Email them to Tyler at

4) I just wanted to say what a great job the Band did at the Spring Concert Thursday!  They showed so much maturity both emotionally and musically to play such difficult music as well as they did.  Also, thanks to all the parents and audience members for their kind words and comments after the program.  They are always appreciated!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Annoucements 4/19/15

1)  Spring Concert this Thursday at 7 pm in the Gym.  Band reports at 6:15.  Concert attire, admission is free.  We will be playing some awesome pieces:  Burn; El Capitan - a march by Sousa; Emperata Overture - a band literature standard, and Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral - an arrangement from Wagner's Opera "Lohengrin" that is one of the most powerful pieces you will ever hear.

2)  The Disney Trip kickoff information meeting is this Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the Cafetorium.  The Thomas Tours representative will be here to hand out documents, the schedule of the trip, and answer any questions you might have.  If for some reason you can't make it, be sure to come by the Band Room when you can to pick up the documents.

3)  Pick up for the BBQ fundraiser is this Saturday from noon - 2 pm.  Make sure your customers know to come to the Gym to pick up their orders.

4)  The invitations to the Band Banquet have been handed out.  If you have not received one yet, please come by the Band Room.  This will be a formal event - no theme, this is just a chance to get dressed up and look really nice!  High School band students are free, everyone else is $13 per plate.  The food will be provided by fellow band boosters - the Heidelberg family and their business, Papa Pig's BBQ.

5)  Please email your pictures from throughout the year to Tyler Delaney at  so that he can get the slide show together for the field show.  Please get them to him by Friday, May 1.  

6)  The Jazz Band put on a spectacular show last Thursday in the Hornet Plaza!
Also, a huge Thank you to the parents who helped put up the chairs and other props!!!  I always appreciate the camaraderie of our Band Booster organization in everything that we do!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Announcements 4/12/15

1)  Jazz Band Rehearsal this Tuesday

2)  Any parent interested in helping plan/decorate for the Band Banquet - please meet at the Band Room this Tuesday at 6:30 pm to help our Vice President, Donna Reed.  She would love any help she can get in getting this event together.  

3)  Jazz Band Concert this Thursday at 7 pm.  Jazz Band needs to wear all Black.  Plan A - Have the concert in the new concrete area where they added the new wing to the school last year.  Signs will be posted in the hallways instructing you how to get there from the gym.  A reminder to those who volunteered to bring spotlights and stands for lighting the area for the concert.  Plan B (if it is raining) - Have the concert in the Cafeteria.  Either way, it is free admission for some good Jazz music!

4)  All BBQ orders and money must be turned in by the end of the week.  Pickup up for customers is Saturday April 25 from noon to 2 pm.

5)  Please start sending good, fun band pictures from this school year to Tyler Delaney  at  He is putting together the slide show for the Band Banquet.

6)  We are entering a span of 5 performances in 5 weeks!  You will need to take time on your own to practice the music and memorizing to get this done.  Please use your time wisely when you have time in the Band room in the morning, at intermission time, and after school while waiting on your ride home.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Announcements 4/5/15

1)  Jazz Band Rehearsal this Tuesday.

2)  Band Booster meeting this Tuesday at 6:30.  8th grade parents are invited to this meeting, so try to be there so that they can have your insight on any questions they might have about High School Band.  

3)  The Spring BBQ fundraiser will begin tomorrow.  50% of the profits will go toward the student's account for the Disney trip next Spring.